The Beetle Kingdom


February 26, 2024

Note on my relationship with Melee


I frequently enter Super Smash Bros. Melee tournaments. I use the tag "Jada" in this community, and I have been playing competively since 2013. I have done a variety of things in the community to varying degrees such as:

I primarily play Sheik in tournaments, and my practice is solely focused on improving with her. I also really enjoy playing as Zelda and switch to her occasionally in games. My first tournament was Y-Town Throwdown in 2014, where I placed 49th out of 119 entrants. My liquidpedia page has a bit more information on the specific events I have attended.

The game is incredibly challenging and deep. The game itself and the community have taught me so much, and I am forever grateful.

Sample Tournament Sets

Suidt (Fox) vs Jada (Sheik) - Melee Singles Losers Pools - Full Bloom 2024

Jada_TBK & Khryke vs Envy & Polish - Grand Finals - Phantom 2022

MOAL 206 | Gerb (Marth) vs Jada (Sheik) | Winners Semis

The Nightclub VIP: TinderMaster3000 (Fox) vs Jada TBK (Zelda, Sheik) - WR2 SSBM Pool A